Awarded once again by the magazine "WirtschaftsWoche"
We are very pleased about the award of the "WirtschaftsWoche" once again.
New awards for Prof. Dr. Burghard Piltz & Dr. Carlo Piltz
We are pleased Prof. Dr. Burghard Piltz & Dr. Carlo Piltz were awarded by "Handelsblatt" again.
German Federal IT security authority publishes guidelines for AI developers
The German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) is already providing support with a whole series of statements on the subject of artificial intelligence (partly even in English).
It is therefore all the more gratifying that the BSI has in the meantime also addressed the question of how developers can practically protect machine learning systems from the most relevant threats and take adequate protective measures in a guideline.
The BSI distinguishes between three central threats in its guideline: Evasion attacks, attacks that aim to extract information, and backdoor attacks. These attacks will be briefly presented and illustrated in the following.
Whistleblower protection and the right of access on a collision course – challenges in the parallel application of whistleblower protection and Art. 15 GDPR
The enactment and applicability of the German implementation law (“German Whistleblower Protection Act”) for the Whistleblowing Directive (Directive (EU) 2019/1937) is in sight even though the law was not passed yet because the “Bundesrat” did not agree to the text adopted by the “Bundestag”. It might still take some time until the two parliaments agree on a final text. However, there is time pressure due to Germany already falling far behind the deadline for the implementation of the European Directive. This also means that the legal obligation to set up an internal reporting channel is getting closer for very many German companies (all with generally at least 250 employees).
NIS-2 Directive: New provisions to strengthen cyber resilience and security
The Directive on measures for a high common level of cybersecurity across the Union ("NIS-2 Directive") published in the Official Journal of the European Union on December 27, 2022, aims to harmonize cybersecurity requirements in the EU and imposes new cybersecurity obligations on companies. It will replace the previously applicable NIS Directive.
Cyber Resilience Act - Overview of new cybersecurity requirements for products with digital elements
In September 2022, the European Commission published its proposal for the Cyber Resilience Act ("CRA", Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on horizontal cybersecurity requirements for products with digital elements and amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1020).